Organization-wide Information Security Awareness

As they say, a chain is as strong as its weakest link. Time after time it has been observed, that the weakest link in the Information Security chain has been Information Security Awareness. This could be awareness at the end-user level, or IT Team Level or even Board level.

Even with all the security measures at their disposal, organizations come undone just because one individual without adequate security awareness clicks on a phishing email!

Information Security Awareness Done Right

Information Security Awareness is needed at all levels in the organizations as depicted below:

A comprehensive program is required to for effective security awareness. The program should include the following elements. It should:

  • be tailored based on the type of audience
  • be current
  • be easy to deliver across the organization
  • be delivered across various media e.g. video, print and classroom
  • meet the requirement of “What’s in it for me?“. In other words, it should not only be done as an exercise meant for the organization’s benefit but members of your organization should also get something out of it that would be useful in their own personal and professional lives

To meet the above requirements, we have developed a comprehensive Information Security awareness program:

We are working with Hewlett Packard Enterprise to bring our clients world class training content. As part of our arrangement, Confidis designs the security awareness programs based on your needs. Hewlett Packard Enterprise provides Computer Based Training content, customizable screen savers, and posters that can be used by you. Confidis delivers the human touch to the awareness program by conducting classroom training, cafeteria sessions etc.


Don’t allow your people to be the weakest link in the Information Security chain.

Contact us today to start your journey towards a more secure organization.

Write to us at: info (AT) confidis (DOT) co

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